Is your lending business primarily facing regulatory challenges and lengthy processes at the moment, while your corporate clients are expecting more flexibility and quicker decisions? A conflict of objectives?

With multi:loan, you can resolve these challenges and delight your corporate clients with fully digital credit lending – from the application and contract signing to pay-out monitoring.

This modular workflow offers you the flexibility to integrate your internal banking processes seamlessly and avoid unnecessary red tape between clients and the bank. This will not only delight your clients but also your employees – in the market and in the back-office.

Let’s find out together what your credit business of tomorrow can look like today.

Client Missions


The Landebank Baden-Württemberg consistently relies on multi:versa Engines for the implementation of its digitalisation strategy. With the expansion of the applications for digital document and contract management integrated into the LBBW ecosystem, a continuous increase in efficiency for customers and bank employees has been achieved.


As a leading provider of financing for container ships, Hamburg-based Berenberg Bank successfully relies on multi:versa's range of services. Thanks to intelligent dashboards, their customers always have an overview of current financings, and applying for an extension of the commitment is also effortless.

Highlight Features

multi:loan is a fully digital workspace for your corporate business - from application to pay-out.

Stand out from the competition with innovative solutions and use the positive effects of automated process steps and seamless checking using existing banking systems so you can fully focus on your consulting expertise.

multi:loan provides your credit applications with structure and efficiency – thanks to smart automation, from file sorting to archiving. Whether credit advisor, administrative assistant or corporate client: multi:loan unites all interests on one platform and reduces the number of questions as well as the risk of errors in the process.


Our popular multi:onboard engine - with automated validation of complex corporate structures and authentication of everyone involved - has already been fully integrated and is transparent at every step.

Reduce administrative efforts and let multi:loan validate the required information.

Whether individual company or complex corporate structures: multi:loan will support you in the complete preparation of the credit application and automated creation of contract and securities documentation.

The central dashboard with intelligent analysis of pending credit applications in consideration of individual compliance and risk management requirements.

Save time and money – we will take care of bringing together the KYC, AML and credit rating enquiries relating to your client.

You can intervene in the credit application at any time and you have an overview of all the information – at the end, all qualified data will be transferred to your backend systems as usual.

Requesting documents is a thing of the past.

multi:loan organises all documents from the beginning and offers you document upload, download and revision safety – independent of source and format.

Sophisticated document structuring, adapted to your needs.

Digital re-submission of pay-out prerequisites

Whether document submission, request for signatures or compliance with deadline specifications - keep the overview of completed and missing pay-out prerequisites - without paper-based documentation.

If required, you can digitally and quickly remind your clients of necessary documents or signatures.

Factsheet or DEMO?

Give your corporate lending business a boost - with digital workflows.

Download the factsheet now or arrange a demo.